Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Questions to My Generation:

Let me put before you some questions (some general, some undefined and still some quite coarse) to not just glance upon, spouting back a defending statement, but to really digest, ponder to a point of personal conviction, then place into personal action.

**I reference a tone of ownership throughout not because I am trying to host an all-inclusive assumption or stereotype, but because I, as a young adult American, do take ownership and responsibility for the majority views.

Why are we so unwilling to adopt truths that have been revealed to generations before us?

Must we really rediscover everything for ourselves?

How much more would be accomplishable if we took the baton passed to us instead of re-running the race?

Why do we allow media do define our values when we see where that leads?

Why do we argue the opposing view just because it is opposing and not because we stand for a set of true convictions and values?

Why do we think "rude" is in any way justified?

Are we all just scared that if we let go of our fight to be right, then we're forfeiting our merit?

Aren't we all just confused kids that really want to know our worth?
-& if our worth was never defined or invested in, will we live our lives trying to create it for ourselves?

Does believing in God mean believing in the ugly picture painted by hypocrites?

Aren't hypocrites really just broken people trying to cover their flaws?

How can we stand for "love" if we won't stand for all of it, including "loving our enemies?"

**To be completed.